Donation Form Template

Customize and use this donation form to quickly gather online donations from your fundraiser or event with no coding required.

Simplify your workflows

Easily collect donation payments online by starting with this donation template. Accept online payments, receive notifications for each form submission, and more. Our easy-to-use, drag-and-drop form builder is the perfect solution for your online donation collection needs. Try this donation form template for free now!

Easily customize

Customize this template for use on your website with zero coding required in seconds with Themes. Learn more here.

Robust integrations

Connect your donation form to one of Formstack's integrations options. Gather contact information on your form to automatically update your donor subscriber lists, eliminating the need to import email addresses manually.

Advanced form security

Keep collected donations and other data safe with our advanced security options, including data encryption, 256-bit SSL, reCaptcha and more.

Take control of your data with Formstack

Discover the power of turning data into dynamic action with low-code application building from Formstack.